Sunday, February 24, 2013

My First Post

Hi! I'm Sydney. I'm 15 years old, and my passion is theater. I hope to someday perform professionally. I live in a small town upstate New York, and I participate in community theater productions in that area. I love to sing, act, and dance. I'm NOT a very good dancer, so that presents a challenge for me. But my singing and acting skills, so far, have kind of hidden that from directors in non-professional theaters, so I've been able to sneak by and snag leads. The theaters around me aren't the best. It feels like I know more than them! I know that sounds like a typical teenager who thinks highly of herself, but I'm on this blog to tell everyone my perspective of my theater journey, which includes revealing the aspects of myself that maybe aren't the best. I'm generally very modest. In fact, people ALWAYS tell me to STOP critiquing myself. I'm the type of person who puts myself down a lot. I struggle with an Anxiety disorder, so that presents another challenge.
      Anyway, I'm gonna be honest again. I have NEVER had experience with blogging. I've never even read one....... which is kinda pathetic, I know. But my WONDERFUL parents suggested that I write about theater, because it's what keeps me going in life. Without it, I don't know where I would be. Probably not the best place...... I'm an odd teenager. I'm typical in some ways, but in other ways, I'm extremely strange, but I'll get into that some other time. 
             In this blog, I'm gonna talk about theater......umm...... stuff..... EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that I want to talk about, because that's what a blog is for, right? Right now. I'm in Hairspray at my high school. I'm playing the LAST role I EVER thought that I would play, Velma Von tussle. She is a sexy, manipulative older woman who runs a TV dancing show in the 60's. She is using the show to get her daughter, Amber to the stardom that she never had. First of all, I am short, not very skinny, a bit awkward, which makes it VERY difficult to walk in heels, and I am not sexy in the LEAST. In fact, I don't even know what it means to be "sexy." I haven't even started to feel attracted to people yet!!!! I mean, what does it feel like to want sex?! I'm sorry, I'm just kinda naive when it comes to that. No one ever acts like they're mad or jealous of my talents because I always act SOOO much younger than my age. I ask questions about things that I SHOULD know about by now. (ya know, that inappropriate stuff.....). But actually, I'm pretty intelligent. I put that act on INTENTIONALLY. I've done it SO much, that I can't really seem to get out of it sometimes. That act allows me to avoid ALL social problems somehow, which works for me! I mean I'm a freshmen in High School, and I haven't experienced ANY drama!!! As I said, I'm PRETTY strange. Anyway, HAIRSPRAY. I'll have another post where I talk about my outlook on Velma in length! 

Well, there it is. My first post on a blog. Hope I can get some people to connect with me! 



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